Cloud Services and APIs


Integration driven by understanding you

We spend time with you understanding your infrastructure and gaining insight into your ways of working. Analysing your data services and systems, what you are doing with those systems. Where the crossovers are, where the gaps are and from where most value can be unlocked.

Architected for the future

Using that insight and experience, we then architect the integration approach. We follow an industry-standard approach (Web Services) using our secure aggregation layer and technology set.


With no business interruption

Your existing data and systems remain as they are whilst we integrate. We use our own Aggregation Layer framework: securely drawing together the data from different internal systems. Integration frequently happens at the data level. So, functionality is replicated and enhanced in the aggregation. We optimise the UX when we are certain the functionality and data are robust.

Tried and Tested

Our Aggregation Layer approach has been used in client projects in the Media, Catering, Insurance and Financial Services industries.


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