Mobile Technologies

The type of apps we develop

We develop apps that use APIs and Server side processes. Effectively small or portable device expressions of the business systems we develop with offline capability. The apps that we develop drive business value and engagement rather than solely enjoyment.

Simplification, without sacrificing UX

We use Xamarin as our technology choice, perhaps unsurprisingly. It eliminates the need to develop on each platform separately through a streamlined, cross-platform solution. It’s the ideal way to save time, save money, and maximise your return – all without sacrificing the user experience.

Once we have finalised your app, Xamarin compiles the C# program into each of the platform's native equivalents. Native user interfaces and platform-specific options are all available under one code base. This allows for impressive coding efficiency without sacrificing features.

Fit for large projects and small

We have used Xamarin for both small and large company projects. This mirrors the market place, Xamarin has already enjoyed a significant amount of popularity and adoption across companies, large and small. Over 20% of Fortune 100 companies have embraced the power and flexibility this platform gives them. And a growing collection of over one million developers and counting means on-going collaboration and enhancements to what the platform offers.

Proven experience

We understand all aspects of Xamarin development which gives us the power and expertise to design, develop and maintain the cross-platform apps your business needs. We have delivered Xamarin developing in the insurance, professional services, contract catering and gambling sectors.

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